How to expo build:ios using iOS 12.1 SDK?

@dsokal Can it support SDK 27?

Hello @brentkastner,
we’re going to drop support for SDK 27 in the next release, so the answer is no. Sorry for that.

Good to know.

Thanks for replying.

I am having this issue, not able to submit build to tesflight. I am running latest Xcode 10.1 and Expo SDK 32. Still Application Loader is complaining of this problem.

Ok well the issue is resolved now. Maybe I was really low on disk space or something. Don’t know. But i cleaned up my Mac and its working now! Thank you

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I’m using SDK 27 and not sure which version should I update to. Is SDK 28 enough to comply or should I update to SDK 31?

Hey @syahrul,

SDK30 is the minimum version you can upgrade to that will satisfy the iOS SDK requirements but if you’re taking the time to upgrade I would either upgrade to SDK31 or 32. Some people choose to remain one version behind the latest for increased stability which is understandable. Totally up to you.


Thank you @adamjnav

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