How to track OTA updates in Amplitude?

I use expo-analytics-amplitude to track the version number of the builds (apk or ipa) but I would like to track the version of the OTA Expo update instead (as it is more often what we do). Any solution?

Hi @mahfoudsam, I found your question since I want to do the same thing.
Unfortunately I looked through the code and docs for expo-analytics-amplitude as well as the native & web Amplitude SDK’s.

Quick definition: “version number” in Amplitude is called “version name”.

Whereas for the Amplitude JS SDK, you can set the version name (see

In the Android and iOS SDKs, the version name is read directly from the device, and the SDK doesn’t provide a way to set it. See

Sad but true…

So the solution for the near term, until expo-analytics-amplitude somehow merges with the JS version of the Amplitude SDK, is to set a custom user property, e.g. “OTA-version”

That’s what I’m going to do anyway.

Amplitude.setUserProperties({ otaVersion: Constants.manifest.version });
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Thanks for the reply @guitarmasteryintensi. I agree, that should be the best solution for now (although it would be trickier for ejected apps - at least for now)