Image cache only caches a few images?

It seems that when you use the React Native Image component you get caching for free - about 5MB. But it seems that what gets cached is the decoded image object - so if you have, for example, a 500x750 image, napkin math (5007504 bits) says that’s going to be 1.5Meg, meaning only three images can be cached. That’s how I interpret the following code, from the React Native GitHub RCTImageCache.m:

@implementation RCTImageCache
  NSOperationQueue *_imageDecodeQueue;
  NSCache *_decodedImageCache;

- (instancetype)init
  _decodedImageCache = [NSCache new];
  _decodedImageCache.totalCostLimit = 5 * 1024 * 1024; // 5MB

So only 3 images! Do I have this right? What are people doing to get around this - is there an expo friendly cacheing library out there? Should I roll my own?

ideally i think it would be a file system based cache, since that would store the compressed jpg, and have a fixed size with older files being evicted when it was exceeded.

@marstall Unfortunately, we do not have this fully documented, but you can look through our code, where we have caching associated with assets that are on filesystem.

I solved this with a CachedImage component which stores the images in AsyncStorage:

import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { Image, View } from 'react-native'

export default class CachedImage extends Image {
  constructor (props) {
    const {uri} = this.props
    this.state = {}
    this.get(uri).then((imageData) => {

  static async get (url) {
    var data = await AsyncStorage.getItem(url) // get it from disk
    if (!data) { // if it's not on the disk
      const response = await fetch(url) // get it from the network
      data = response._bodyInit
      await AsyncStorage.setItem(url, data) // set it to disk
    return data

  render () {
    const {imageData = null} = this.state
    const {placeholderStyle = styles.placeholder} = this.props

    if (imageData != null) {
      return <Image {...this.props} source={{uri: `data:image/png;base64,${imageData}`}}/>
    } else {
      return <View/>

this relies on your image server serving images in base64 encoded plaintext (which was the tricky part). For me, using rails, that effectively looks like this on the back end:

    data = open(url)
    send_data Base64.encode64(, type: 'text/plain;base64', disposition: 'inline'

I just finished an expo component for image caching at GitHub - wcandillon/react-native-expo-image-cache: React Native Image Cache and Progressive Loading based on Expo. Image caching is a delicate topic and wrote about common pitfalls at 5 Things to know about Images in React Native | by William Candillon | Medium

@wcandillon awesome! Nice writeup, learned somethin this morning :slight_smile:

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