ImagePicker not returning success data

Hello, i’m using ImagePicker to select images from Library. But im not receiving any data when it’s a success.
If I cancel the action I receive back the cancelled: true response, when I select any image from the library, it transition over to my screen but I’m not getting any data from it.

This is the snippet i’m using:

    handleImagePicking = async () => {
        console.log('start open library');
        let result = await ImagePicker.launchImageLibraryAsync();

        console.log('result from image picker', result);

        if (!result.cancelled) {
            this.setState({ image: result.uri });

Having the same result when trying to use launchCameraAsync, im able to open the camera, take the picture, but then when it returns to my screen I’m not able to see any data from it.

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