InfloPlist for ios on app.json does not work

I have been reading about how to been accepting ios app with some issues related to camera an microphone permissions…I allways get rejected…even after changing several times my app.json file…here is the text that I have put for ios

"ios": {
			"bundleIdentifier": "com.audiadis.clickandboost",
			"infoPlist": {
	  	"NSCameraUsageDescription": "This app uses the camera to allow users to send photos for processing orders. Your photos wont be shared without your permission",
			"NSMicrophoneUsageDescription": "This app uses the microphone to allow users to send orders via voice message.",
			"NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription": "This app uses the camera to allow users to send photos for processing orders. Your photos wont be shared without your permission"

The fact is that when I’m testing locally my app on a ios Device I do not get the message above…
I allways get the “Experience needs permissions…” on the alert modal for ios.

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Hey @lastripas,

Changes to your infoPlist key will only be reflected on your own standalone binary. Not within the Expo Client while testing. Did you rebuild and submit a new .ipa with those changes in your app.json? It can’t be updated via an OTA update.

Just to cover everything, can you share what SDK version you are using?



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