Integration of Android Native SDK inside React-Native Project build in Expo

Hello All ,

I am preparing one application in Expo , and i have successfully created my half of the application , Now in my application have one requirement which is getting fulfilled by bellow mentioned SDK (Which is in pure android language ) , Is there any way i can use the Android Native SDK in my epxo project ?

Here is the link :-


Hey @siddharth0128,

Unfortunately you will not be able to use the blinkid-android library with a standard Expo project as it requires native code configuration. A good rule of thumb is that if a library requires you to run react-native link or manually change code in your gradle files or xcworkspace, you will have to detach and start developing with ExpoKit. Doing so creates the ios and android directories needed to perform said native code changes. There are some trade-offs that come with using ExpoKit so make sure you read the docs and understand what it all entails.

Here are the docs:



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