InvalidCredentials when sending push notification to standalone ios app

I am currently getting this error trying to send push notifications to a published ios app (TestFlight):

{“data”:{“status”:“error”,“message”:“The certificate to connect to the Apple Push Notification service for this app has been revoked.”,“details”:{“error”:“InvalidCredentials”}}}

This build was created running (using exp version 48.0.4):
exp build:ios --release-channel staging --publish -c

And I selected “I will provide all the credentials and files needed, Expo does limited validation” and uploaded a Push notification certificate that looks valid if I go to (Apple Developer Center → (Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles > Certificates > Production).

I found one other issue similar to this one (Issue with iOS Push Notifications in Standalone App) but that one is since oct’17 and the exp tool and the way you handle certificates has changed since then.

Any ideas?


  1. Generated new Push notification certificate,
  2. ran “exp build:ios --release-channel staging --publish -c” and uploaded new push notification certificate.

Everything works.

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