iOS app store release denied for supposed payment system

My iOS store build has been denied with the following message. Any idea why this would happen? I have no such payment systems, but I do use facebook ads.

Our team found this app contains non-Apple payment features, including, but not limited to

To continue review it would be appropriate to remove all non-Apple payment features, then resubmit for review.

Thank you,

App Store Review

Here is a link to my app on expo:

Has anyone else experienced this? How was it solved? Is there some intrinsic payment system that gets published along with the expo app when building?

Hi, if you try rebuilding for iOS now, payments has been removed and you should be able to successfully submit your app now.

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Great! Thank you so much

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What’s the best way to accept in-app payments with the ios standalone? @davepack

HI @herve76, we are working on a way to customize standalone apps so that you could include in-app payments if your app uses it. Stay tuned to our SDK release notes on our blog so you can know when it is available:

Thank you @davepack for your reply. An ETA ?

ETA’s are dangerous :wink: We’re working on it but don’t have an ETA yet :slight_smile:

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First of all, I love the tools you have created at Expo and I’m hooked. Therein lies the problem. I don’t want to eject out of Expo/CRNA just to use in-app payments. That is the only native module that I need and I’ve managed to create my entire app with he beautiful set of tools you provided. Please please please, can you let us know when you will have the IAP options bundled in Expo?

PS. I did a test where I ejected out of Expo yesterday and was horrified by the difficulty of setting build.gradle dependencies, etc in android. I quickly reverted back to my Expo backup version of my app.

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Hi- We really want to provide payment support but its tricky to get it right, and so it will be a little while longer. It is a big priority for us and one of our top requested features. I’m sorry that we can’t provide an ETA except that its not going to be within the next few weeks.

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@ccheever any progress on the payment support. I have been searching the web like crazy the last couple of months and reached a lot of dead ends…