IOS Build stuck in iOS: Build in progress… for more than 1 days

Same problem, here’s an summary with timestamps…

frogquest-app git:(master) ✗ exp build:ios
12:41:33 [exp] Making sure project is set up correctly...
12:45:03 [exp] Waiting for build to complete. You can press Ctrl+C to exit.

➜  frogquest-app git:(master) ✗ exp build:ios
12:47:17 [exp] Cannot start new build, as there is a build in progress.

➜  frogquest-app git:(master) exp build:ios
[13:29:19] Cannot start new build, as there is a build in progress.

As of now (13:37), this page shows no longs, but just a spinning expo logo… / builds / c67e8958-3255-459a-b056-5c6aa78b7e40

And Log In — Expo has an enabled “Show Logs” button, but both of the other buttons (Download, Cancel) are disabled.