iOS Distribution Certificate expired

My iOS Distribution Certificate is expiring, what should I do? There’s no renew button on the Apple certificates page. Only revoke and download button.

My app is already live on the app store and I choose “let expo handle the process” when I built my app.


distribution certificate is only used during build and upload to app store. It can be safely revoked after an app is submitted to the app store. Only push notification credentials need to be valid all the time.

So I can ignore the email from apple and when I build the app again in the future, expo will create one for me, am I right?


I next build you will need to run
expo build:ios --clear-credentials --revoke-credentials to recreate everything
expo build:ios --clear-dist-cert --clear-provisioning-profile --revoke-credentials to recreate only dist cert and provisioning profile (provisioning-profile needs to be recreated when changing dist cert)


Okay thank you.

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