iOS IPA for standalone Expo app is large

I got ipa for ios is too large and am not able to share that ipa using diwai link because that say file to large . please suggest me way to share ipa with client without using expo client . Is there anyway to sort out this problem …

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Hey there!

As mentioned in the docs, the size of the .ipa does not represent the final size people will see on their devices.

The .ipa we generate is signed for the App Store (not Ad Hoc), so you should be able to share with your testers by uploading directly to Apple Testflight. I don’t think you need to use a service like Diwai Link, which is intended for Ad Hoc builds.

Additionally, if a very small IPA is a requirement for you, you may want to use something other than Expo. From Why not Expo?:

If you need to keep your app size extremely lean, Expo may not be the best choice. The size for an Expo app on iOS is approximately 25mb, and Android is about 20mb. This is because Expo includes a bunch of APIs regardless of whether or not you are using them — this lets you push over the air updates to use new APIs, but comes at the cost of binary size. We will make this customizable in the future, so you can trim down the size of your binaries.

As a data point, each of the top 10 free App Store apps (in February 2018) is at least 35MB and in practice ~25MB is working for many people.

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