Ios production app crashes immediately with no error

hey guys, will you please help me with this issue? I couldn’t find any solution so far:

The built app .ipa that I get from exp build:ios for my app (created by create-react-native-app) crashes immediately at launch with no error! When I install the .ipa on iPhone 6 and 7plus (ios 11.3), it only shows a white screen for a second and immediately closes the app without any errors! While on android, the built app .apk from exp build:android works perfectly fine!
react: 16.2.0
react-native: 0.52.3
expo: 25.0.0

The strange thing is when I even build the simplest sample app using create-react-native-app the same thing happens: when I open the .ipa on device, it shows white screen for a second and immediately closes the app!
I truly appreciate if anyone can help me with this!

This is what happens:


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