IPA install failed: There was an internal API error

I am a beginner in React Native development. I built a IPA and I want to install it by Xcode. But I got a error message “There was an internal API error.”.
I have built a simulator version and it work in the simulator.

I had search on internet. Normally answer is the project name is wrong, just change the name. And I search related problem in this forum. But there is not useful for me.

How can I solve it? Thanks all.

Hey @zxc4561zxc,

Can you let me know what version of Xcode you are using? Also, is there any more to the error than what you shared? If so, can you post the full error log?



Thanks for your help, @adamjnav

Here is my os version.
macOS: 10.13.6
Xcode: 10.1 (10B61)
Testing device: Iphone 7, IOS 12

I build the IPA with my own certificates. All is distribution type. There is no error occur.
But there are two warnings in build logs (building and signing IPA).

INFO [2018-11-06 19:02:22.14]: $ dsymutil --symbol-map /private/tmp/turtle/02be6ee0-6072-40a6-9eea-aa768f44b891/archive.xcarchive/BCSymbolMaps /private/tmp/turtle/02be6ee0-6072-40a6-9eea-aa768f44b891/archive.xcarchive/dSYMs/ExpoKitApp.app.dSYM
[stderr] warning: /private/tmp/turtle/02be6ee0-6072-40a6-9eea-aa768f44b891/archive.xcarchive/BCSymbolMaps/ExpoKitApp-armv7.bcsymbolmap:
[stderr] No such file or directory. Not unobfuscating.
[stderr] warning: /private/tmp/turtle/02be6ee0-6072-40a6-9eea-aa768f44b891/archive.xcarchive/BCSymbolMaps/ExpoKitApp-arm64.bcsymbolmap: No such file or directory. Not unobfuscating.

resigning IPA…
[19:02:42]: e[33mGet started using a Gemfile for fastlane Setup - fastlane docs[0m
/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/fastlane-2.99.0/sigh/lib/assets/resign.sh /private/tmp/turtle/02be6ee0-6072-40a6-9eea-aa768f44b891/build/archive.ipa A7DF216C0C2610B3D488A218AE1FDE4CC0122644 -p /private/tmp/turtle/02be6ee0-6072-40a6-9eea-aa768f44b891/provisioning/02be6ee0-6072-40a6-9eea-aa768f44b891.mobileprovision -e /private/tmp/turtle/02be6ee0-6072-40a6-9eea-aa768f44b891/generatedEntitlements.entitlements -v --keychain-path /private/tmp/xdl/3e3b0a30-e239-11e8-865c-9d4b115f4632.keychain /private/tmp/turtle/02be6ee0-6072-40a6-9eea-aa768f44b891/build/archive.ipa
[stderr] _floatsignTemp/Payload/ExpoKitApp.app: replacing existing signature
[stderr] _floatsignTemp/Payload/ExpoKitApp.app: signed app bundle with Mach-O universal (armv7 arm64) [com.geginfo.nativemapsamplebbb]
[stderr] rm: _floatsignTemp/old-embedded-profile.plist: No such file or directory

And here is my steps to install IPA.
Xcode → Window → Devices and Simulators → On the Devices tab: Drag the IPA into INSTALLED APPS.

Sorry. I also have other problems.
When I was installed to another ios device, sometime I get this error message “A valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found”. But some devices get “There was an internal API error”.

On the other hand, If I provide my certificate is development type. I cannot build the IPA. The error is “validateProvisioningProfile: provisioning profile is not associated with uploaded distribution certificate”.
I had check the app id many time and re-create new. Always get same error.

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