iPad Multitasking (Split View/Slide Over)

My standalone expo app doesn’t seem to support the iPad’s multitasking features (Split View/Slide Over) and I can find no documentation on how to “enable” it. According to the Apple documentation (Adopting Multitasking Enhancements on iPad: Slide Over and Split View Quick Start) it seems there are three criteria to have it enabled:

  • Set the Base SDK to “Latest iOS,” as described in Setting the Base SDK in App Distribution Guide.

  • Provide a LaunchScreen.storyboard file (instead of a .png image file as you did in iOS 7 and earlier), as described in Creating a Launch Screen File in App Distribution Guide.

  • In your project’s Info.plist file, in the “Supported interface orientations (iPad)” array, declare support for all four device orientations

I have "supportsTablet": true, and "orientation": "default" in my app.json and I have specified a .png for my splash screen, so I’m guessing its the second criteria that might be missing. Is there a way to do it with the existing SDK or if not is there any plan to support it in the future?

Hey @markphilpot,

iPad multitasking isn’t currently part of the SDK. We use Canny to track our community’s feature requests Feature Requests | Expo and it looks like there is one FR opened regarding support for multitasking in the Expo Client (Support for multitasking for expo client | Voters | Expo), but not one for standalone builds. I would suggest creating a FR detailing everything you want added to the SDK regarding iPad Multitasking.

You would likely be able to implement it relatively simply by detaching, but you may run into some issues regarding our StatusBar and Orientation APIs.



Thanks. FR created :: iPad multitasking for standalone apps | Voters | Expo

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