JS bundle not being updated into ejected app

I have an ejected expo app.

That means that I create new releases using Xcode and JS bundles with expo publish command.

What I do is the following:

  1. Update info.plist with new version number
  2. Update app.json with the correct version number
  3. Create a standalone app and submit to TestFlight using fastlane.
  4. expo publish -c after the app is submitted to Test Flight

The problem starts when sometimes the JS bundle does not update after submitting the app to the app store. I even had to rename a JS file name to “force the update”. It seems to work sometimes.

As I mention before, we are not sure which JS bundle version are we testing.

I 've tried the following app.jsopn config

"updates": {
      "enabled": false

“updates”: {
“enabled”: true,
“checkAutomatically”: “ON_LOAD”,
“fallbackToCacheTimeout”: 0

"updates": {
      "enabled": true,
      "checkAutomatically": "ON_LOAD",
      "fallbackToCacheTimeout": 10000

None of them seem to work.

Each time I create a release, it loads an old JS bundle into test flight.

(Everything works fine in local host)

Where is my output of expo publish:history

│ publishedTime                          │ appVersion    │ sdkVersion    │ platform      │ channel       │ channelId                              │ publicationId                          │
│ 2019-01-10T05:47:42.843Z               │ 1.0.35        │ 31.0.0        │ ios           │ default       │ e47f3068-57f2-4257-abc3-88ad2f1b8c64   │ 3f721bc0-149b-11e9-8b84-313f96953860   │
│ 2019-01-10T05:47:42.843Z               │ 1.0.35        │ 31.0.0        │ android       │ default       │ 07010a26-110e-45a2-8960-98ce230bbb75   │ 3f71f4b1-149b-11e9-8b84-313f96953860   │
│ 2019-01-10T05:09:04.899Z               │ 1.0.33        │ 31.0.0        │ android       │ default       │ f5769ed0-be64-47f7-9384-412c2b8061b3   │ d9d7c531-1495-11e9-b16f-a18eab9ad14c   │
│ 2019-01-10T05:09:04.899Z               │ 1.0.33        │ 31.0.0        │ ios           │ default       │ 60c2fa06-4d38-4fb6-95a3-b3fb0e4108df   │ d9d7c532-1495-11e9-b16f-a18eab9ad14c   │
│ 2019-01-10T04:56:44.544Z               │ 1.0.34        │ 31.0.0        │ android       │ default       │ ec15c106-42f9-4ce2-8140-ac16ed4952ee   │ 208e9001-1494-11e9-80f8-21a3c275bf84   │

As you can see the version is generated but the app can’t seem to update the JS bundle itself.

Any clue what could be happening?

Thank you

Hey @astephannie,

You have updatesEnabled: false so your app won’t be fetching any new JS bundles you’ve created via expo publish. Enabling them should fix this.



@adamjnav wrong tag, This thread not created by me

My apologies!

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