Links to previous iOS Expo apps?

We’ve been working on issues with our update from v29 to v31 for a month when v33 launched last week. Without a specific release date pre-announced it was quite a surprise to have the updated Expo app remove 29 and now we can’t test our issues at all.

Are there links to download previous Expo app builds anywhere?


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Huh. Just saw this announcement in the Twitter feed:

“We’re getting ready for SDK 33 and are releasing the new native clients today. The official release will be next week. Is your body ready?”

Wish it hadn’t been done in that order.

Hi @daily-h!

Here are the links to the older Expo client versions!

Hi Charlie,

In the endpoint url you gave, it only shows the latest Expo clients


Where can I find the similar links to the older ones? I’m also faced with backwards compatibility issues.

Hey @johntarter and @daily-h,

Sorry for the delay here. We were quite busy with the release. Here are the most recent Client versions before the 33 release:




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