Loading screen difference test / production

i’m having problems with expo, because my custom loading screen isn’t displayed the same way while i’m testing my app and when i try with a built .apk

with the expo XDE on my pc :

with the exact same app but build and the .apk installed :

silly question, are you sure you’re not doing anything weird for sizing in a block that might use __DEV__

i’m very new to mobile dev, so I haven’t changed anything in any file other than my app.js.
If that’s not your point, i don’t get it, as i said i’m kind of a newbie :/.

Can you share some of the relevant code for this?

  "expo": {
    "name": "C2i Santé",
    "icon": "./assets/logo/icon.png",
    "version": "1.4.0",
    "slug": "c2i",
    "sdkVersion": "20.0.0",
    "ios": {
      "bundleIdentifier": "com.c2isante.c2iapp",
	  "associatedDomains": []
    "android": {
      "package": "com.c2isante.c2iapp",
	  "permissions": [],
	  "versionCode": 7
	"loading": {
	  "backgroundImage": "./assets/Other/HeaderBackGrey.png",
	  "icon": "./assets/Other/loadIcon.png"

I guess that’s what you want to see ?

Thanks for letting us know. We’ll take a look.