Major issues with expo, best way to 100% uninstall expo/react-native and then re-install?

Let me preface this by saying I’ve been using expo for awhile (maybe since v15 or before). Suddenly, I can’t get a project started. I’ve tried uninstalling and re-installing but I always get stuck on

[09:56:32] Starting project at /Users/me/testing-expo
[09:56:34] Starting Metro Bundler on port 19003.
[09:56:34] Metro Bundler ready.
[09:57:03] Could not access packager status at http://localhost:19003/status. Are you sure the packager is running and reachable?
[09:57:03] Set EXPO_DEBUG=true in your env to view the stack trace.
➜  testing-expo git:(master) ✗ node -v

created two minutes ago via:

expo init testing-expo
? Choose a template: blank
[09:53:11] Extracting project files...
[09:53:17] Customizing project...

I’ve been running into issues like this the last 3-4 times I tried to get the latest expo working… I’m about to give up. What is the best way to 100% uninstall everything related to expo and react-native and then re-install?

Hey @arcomito,

Sorry you’re experiencing these issues! What OS are you on? Also, any chance you’re using NVM? I know that may cause some complexity and confusion.



Hey @adamjnav. Is there a way to do a print out like react-native info?

I did try to use nvm to switch from node v10 to node v8, which didn’t fix anything.

Should I remove nvm then?

There is expo diagnostics. I think filling this out will be the best route for us to figure out what’s going on:

Was this ticket ever resolved? I am still having this issue.

It could be linked to this github issue

Hey @aminoche,

We’re looking into it currently. We’ll follow up in the github issue you linked when we have more information.



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Thank you @adamjnav. I was able to get this to work by making sure I had a version of Expo open on either my phone or the emulator. The error message was a bit unclear…but this solves the issue on my end.

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