Manual signing of standalone .apk and .ipa files

Hello all,

I’ve created a project for a client using Expo (which is awesome!), and the time has come to bundle the app for distribution on the app stores. From the docs and the forums, I’m a bit in doubt whether this can be done without detaching from Expo, given that my client has 2FA set up on their Apple account, and the exp:build does not yet support this?

Furthermore, I’m a native developer gone RN-developer, so I have previous experience with the signing processes of the stores, so I would actually prefer to do it manually so I’m sure that if something goes wrong in the provisioning, I’m the one who did it so I can fix it :wink: . Is there any way for me to do this? And if so, will it still allow me to publish updates OTA using the Expo publish method?

Thanks, and thanks for a wonderful tool!

You can build and sign your own standalone client using instructions at It will use the same code delivery mechanism the “in-house” apps use. Let us know if you run into any problems with that!


Thanks for the link :slight_smile: Sorry for the late response, I’m on holiday and don’t have my laptop with me.

Just skimming the info, it seems it’s for detached projects with seperate android/iOS folders, is that correct?

To clarify: Is it possible to do manual signing of apps without detaching from Expo? Can I use exp build:ios when my client has 2FA enabled?

Building the app yourself requires cloning the repository I linked, which is different from detaching. I’d recommend reading the docs there for specifics.