Matchcenter - My first big project!


I’ve been working a lot with this project, which has been my first and it feels amazing to finally reveal it and to actually publish it! It’s live on Google Play, just waiting for iOS now!
Currently, the app is only in swedish, but will be translated in the future, hopefully!

Matchenter is an app where you read about sport games - such as statistics, matchdetails and similar. It actually provides a lot of information.
My goal is to remove Livescore from the market!

Before starting to work with Expo and React Native, I did not have any experience with React whatsoever. So I was fairly new to OOP Javascript, but adapted quite easy. Expo made it much easier honestly! The only thing I need with Expo is offline availability. I want users to be able to subscribe to a game and create a local notification if a team makes a goal, for example. When Expo releases this, I will implement it!

So this app is done without Redux, which makes the code super messy.

I’m proud of my work, although it looks a bit meh. Unfortunately I’m not a designer so, I had to do something!

Thanks for reading through!


congrats on launching!

The only thing I need with Expo is offline availability

what specific cases did you have in mind here? you can definitely support offline use cases with expo currently. :slight_smile:

I want users to be able to subscribe to a game and create a local notification if a team makes a goal, for example. When Expo releases this, I will implement it!

you can implement this with push notifications! you’ll just have to set up a server for it. see: for more info

Thank you, @notbrent !

Yes, thats the thing. I have to use a server! I would like to make local notification, so it the usage will be on the users. And I don’t think it’s implemented.

I want a user to subscribe to a game, and while the app is closed or inactive, I still want the app to check if a goal has been made or not and then create a local notification. So thats why I thought that Expo is not updated for that.

Can the app make HTTP-requests and handle those requests while it’s inactive? In that case, I would be so glad if that worked!

Yes, thats the thing. I have to use a server! I would like to make local notification, so it the usage will be on the users. And I don’t think it’s implemented.

you can use local notifications with expo, but you can’t execute code in the background. the use case that you describe is a perfect fit for push notifications, so you might want to consider building a server to handle this. even if expo supported background code execution you wouldn’t want to implement it this way because you would have to check the server frequently for updates (eg: once per minute) which wastes battery for a small likelihood of an update.

you can use local notifications with expo, but you can’t execute code in the background.

Yeah, thats what I thought which is my issue

I guess you are right - that it will waste a lot of battery. I’ll think about implementing a server, maybe it’s easier than I think. What I’m thinking about is how heavy it will on the server side. Because it has to loop through all games which has subscribers, and do a check (once per minute as you suggested), and make a push notification if something new has happened.

Thanks for your advice!

you could implement it with a lambda function: Using AWS Lambda with Amazon EventBridge (CloudWatch Events) - AWS Lambda