My published app doesn't appear on the Expo client

Am I missing something? I published my app to a particular channel but I cannot see it in the client. I just see the app without any particular channel assigned. On Android I can enter by the QR code but this cannot be accomplished in iOS.

I’m logged with the same user.



Please confirm that you are logged in before you give the command: expo start
Give the followiing command first: expo whoami

The problem is with a published app, why would it care if i’m logged in? Nevertheless, I am.

I just had the same issue the other day and I accidentally discovered that my app was not shown in the client because I was not logged in, in the expo command line terminal.

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Hey @cgraio,

Is your app still not present on the Client?



Yup, I’m not seeing it. I mean, I see the app but not with the different release-channels. I managed to enter the app with the link anyway, so for now is OK.

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