Navigation questions


I have two questions about navigation:

  • I upgraded the expo SDK to version 36 and it says it updated all packages except react-navigation and react-navigation-stack. Where can I find out which versions of these packages are supported by this SDK?

  • In the docs it says:

React Navigation support for web is currently early and incomplete. We recommend using react-router for web routing instead.

Where can I find an example to create an app where navigation works both for web and mobile?

BTW the (simple) app I work on now does work on web with just React Navigation.


The following versions work for me:

  • react-navigation: 4.0.10
  • react-navigation-stack: 1.10.3

About your other question, sorry, I don’t have an answer. I have only briefly tried the web support and React Navigation seems to have worked for me too.

Maybe you can stick to React Navigation as long as it’s working for you and worry about it if and when you run into problems?


Thanks for the quick reply! I upgraded to the versions you mention and all seems to work fine for me as well.

Maybe you can stick to React Navigation as long as it’s working for you and worry about it if and when you run into problems?

Sounds like a plan! :raised_hands:

Actually, react-navigation 4.1.0 and react-navigation-stack 2.0.16 work fine (but I didn’t test on web). You just need a few extra dependencies:


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