Non critical errors during packaging with module-resolver

Please provide the following:

  1. SDK Version: 36.0.2
  2. Platforms: iOS and Android

Bundler will issue non-critical errors during packaging with module-resolver.

Steps to Repro:

  • Create a new app using expo-cli and choose TypeScript template.
  • Set up tsconfig.json as follows:
 "paths": {
      "@models/*": ["./src/models/*"],
      "@navigation/*": ["./src/navigation/*"],
      "@services/*": ["./src/services/*"],
      "@components/*": ["./tsx/components/*"],
      "@screens/*": ["./tsx/screens/*"],
      "@assets/*": ["./assets/*"]

Similarly configure babel.config.js:

        plugins: [
                    root: ['./'],
                    alias: {
                        '@models': path.resolve(path.dirname('.'), 'src/models'),
                        '@navigation': path.resolve(path.dirname('.'), 'src/navigation'),
                        '@services': path.resolve(path.dirname('.'), 'src/services'),
                        '@screens': path.resolve(path.dirname('.'), 'tsx/screens'),
                        '@components': path.resolve(path.dirname('.'), 'tsx/components'),
                        '@assets': path.resolve(path.dirname('.'), 'assets'),

The above works, however when bundling get many errors as follows:

transform[stderr]: Could not resolve "/Users/jblues/mobbiz/LOSMobileApp/src/navigation/AppNavigator" in file /Users/jblues/LOSMobileApp/tsx/App.tsx.
transform[stderr]: Could not resolve "/Users/jblues/LOSMobileApp/tsx/components/BottomTabNavigator" in file /Users/jblues/LOSMobileApp/src/navigation/AppNavigator.ts.
transform[stderr]: Could not resolve "/Users/jblues/mobbiz/LOSMobileApp/tsx/screens/Login" in file /Users/jblues/LOSMobileApp/src/navigation/AppNavigator.ts.

etc etc (more of the same errors follow)

Despite the error reported, everything appears to be working correctly.

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