Not fixable warning on build

Hi, louis.

I found workaround. The size limit warning is set by webpack. (doc) The default limit is 250000 bytes, so, let customize it.

First, generate webpack.config.js with expo customize:web command.
Unfortunately, there is a possibility that the current version (3.0.10) of expo-cli has a bug and cannot execute the above command (already fixed in master branch). If you encounter this error, you can take the following steps instead of the original method.

  1. install @expo/webpack-config
  2. create webpack.config.js file at next ‘Second’ step

Second, edit the webpack.config.js as below.

  const createExpoWebpackConfigAsync = require('@expo/webpack-config');
  module.exports = async function(env, argv) {
    const config = await createExpoWebpackConfigAsync(env, argv);
    // Customize the config before returning it.
+   config.performance = {
+     ...config.performance,
+     maxAssetSize: 550000,
+   };
    return config;

This setting should extend the size limit to 550000 bytes and resolve the issue.

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