Notifications.getExpoPushTokenAsync() not working on latest Android client

Hey team,

Seems like Notifications.getExpoPushTokenAsync() is hanging on the latest Expo client on Android (iOS is fine). I have two Android devices, one with the newest client and one with the previous client. The phone with the previous client works just fine, but the phone with the new client does not. Then I upgraded the old phone to the newest client and it stopped working as well.

Snack (based off of @charliecruzan’s permissions Snack): pushnotifications36 - Snack
Works fine on iOS.
On Android, it hangs when getting the token.

Hi! I think this GH issue comment should be helpful- Notifications.getExpoPushTokenAsync() never resolve · Issue #7606 · expo/expo · GitHub

I also got this error and did what was recommended in that comment but unfortunatly ended up with a 'couldn’t get GMC token on device". So that didn’t work for me.

I’m having the same issue on my android, did u find any solution?

Hi @charliecruzan i followed the steps mention in the comment but stil not getting the push token on android.
Did u have any other solutions?