Open downloaded file from app

Hey! I’m trying to open a file I downloaded to the device using FileSystem.createDownloadResumable and I have to store the file in the user’s Document Directory so they can access it but if I do that and try to Link (Linking API) to the file later on from the app I get an error that the file is exposed beyond app thorugh Intent.getData(). Is there a way to open the file using expo?

Full Error: Unhandled promise rejection: Error: Could not open URL 'file:///data/user/0/host.exp.exponent/files/ExperienceData/%2540leetos%252Ffeather-native/Feather/feather-1b5150b1.jpg': file:///data/user/0/host.exp.exponent/files/ExperienceData/%2540leetos%252Ffeather-native/Feather/feather-1b5150b1.jpg exposed beyond app through Intent.getData()

Here is a simple snack showing the issue.

This issue is related but it was never resolved and I can’t comment there so I opened this one.

Thank you in advance!

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