OTA Updates Only Appear After Killing App

Hi, looking at your updates config:

    "updates": {
      "fallbackToCacheTimeout": 0

This means “use a cached version after zero seconds, and download a new version in the background if it’s available”, which sounds like the behavior you described. When the app is freshly installed from the app store, it contains a preloaded version from whenever you submitted to the app store (so that it can launch instantly without downloading anything).

If you want to wait until the new version is downloaded and then reload your app when it’s ready, you can listen for events to see when the background download finished, then call Updates.reload() when you’re ready.

If you don’t want to download updates in the background, and you instead want to block the UI and wait for a new version to load when the app is launched, you can set fallbackToCacheTimeout to a higher value besides zero.

If you want to look for a new update at any time, without relaunching the app, you can use checkForUpdateAsync() to see if something is available, and decide whether to download it.

Hope that helps!