Plan for embedding cool React Native Navigation

Hi. I recently found great navigator for react-native built from wix.
However, to use this library I need to eject my project and I don’t want it.

Is there any plan to embed this cool navigation inside Expo lib?

Below I post the link.

@skevy can you chime in here?

Thank you! I just did.

Expo team are working on react-navigation so probably no… You can use it with Expo or stick with ex-navigaiton.

Last option is to detach/eject expo from your project

Hi there!

There’s no current plan to integrate react-native-navigation, no.

However, I don’t want to rule out some kind of native navigation/view controller/activity solution. I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately, and I think it’s important to provide.

I don’t yet have a timeline on this, but it’s definitely something we’re thinking about.

For now, I would recommend react-navigation (which I’m actively working on to make better!)
