Push notification not received in iOS

EDIT 1: Looks like it’s some kind of problem with iOS 13. It may be a problem with the beta (I’m using 13.1), but I’m not sure. I tested using an iPad with iOS 11 in production and the notification was received just fine.

EDIT 2: It looks like there was as update in iOS 13 breaking the push service. I’ve update expo to SDK 35 and now everything is working fine.

Hi. I’ve been having some trouble implementing push notifications… I’ve followed the guide and everything is working great on Android devices in production, but not on iOS.

The notification is received ok on the Expo Client, but not on my standalone app in Test Flight. I’ve already tried to build everything over and over again using new certs and profiles every time. I’m using SDK 34. Is there something I’m maybe missing?

Response when I send the notification:

    "data": {
        "status": "ok",
        "id": "11908ea7-c4b2-4f91-9b96-8076ef9a7f32"

Response when I check the receipt:

    "data": {
        "11908ea7-c4b2-4f91-9b96-8076ef9a7f32": {
            "status": "error",
            "message": "The Apple Push Notification service failed to send the notification (reason: BadDeviceToken, status code: 400). Read Apple's docs about \"Communicating with APNs\" to learn what this error means.",
            "details": {
                "apns": {
                    "reason": "BadDeviceToken",
                    "statusCode": 400
                "sentAt": 1569009202
            "__debug": {}

I’ve googled this problem a few times and it doesn’t seem to be common.

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Im getting the same issue, any advice for SDK 34? im waiting the patch for builder or the only way its to migrate to SDK35?

You can check few functions that were modified on the GitHub project and implement it youself, but I strongly recommend to just upgrade to sdk 35, it’s really easy and beneficial.

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