Push Notification with custom usage description for different languages (my app support language selection)

Please provide the following:

  1. SDK Version: 36
  2. Platforms(Android/iOS/web/all): iOS and Android

First of all, thank you Expo team for a great project! Very nice work.

My app requires Push Notification and it offers language selection (screenshot attached) to support different languages. It works great in English with the default setup.

Q1 - How can I set custom usage description for the Notification Permission on a managed Expo project? (I’m aware of the localizing config with infoPlist but I just don’t know which key to provide) - For example, for Camera Usage Description, the key would be “NSCameraUsageDescription”

Q2 - As my app depends on what language user selected rather than their locale (in the OS system) Is that still possible for me to custom the usage description based on that?

Thank you for your support! (and other suggestions from guests are more than welcome)

Hey @leotrieu,

For Q1, here’s a reference to a lot of the strings https://www.iosdev.recipes/info-plist/permissions/ though I would double check with some googling as the article is a little outdated.

For Q2, if you’re asking if you can leverage an in-app setting to change the Permissions dialog that pops up the answer is no.


Thanks Adam for your quick response! Another great thing about the Expo team.

That makes a lot of sense.

By the way, what sort of changes that can be done with OTA in Expo? And what kind of updates that require me to re-submit to the stores (I know that change of app.json requires submission :slight_smile: )?

Happy to help, @leotrieu! As for changes that can be applied via publishing, I would recommend reading the Publishing section of the docs. Here’s a link to the Limitations section: https://docs.expo.io/workflow/publishing/#limitations that would answer your question but I would take the time to read the rest to gain a more complete understanding of the publishing flow.

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