Push Notifications for both iOS and Android on a detached app?

Hey everyone,

I have a detached Expo (v25) based app and I’m looking for a solution for Push Notifications for both iOS and Android.

On iOS - I’m currently using RN’s PushNotificationIOS API and it’s working great.

On Android - I’m considering using a package like react-native-firebase or react-native-push-notification, WDYT? What should be my first step here?

Thanks :slight_smile:

We are currently planning to support push notifications for ExpoKit apps, but in the meantime I would recommend a solution like Firebase Cloud Messaging or OneSignal.

Thanks @dikaiosune - that’s sounds awesome!

Although OneSignal is great, they use the data being sent and therefore I can’t use it… (we care about privacy)

Any suggestions on what package/library I can use that will play nice with ExpoKit? Thanks.

Since I pretty much just use Expo’s service, I’m not sure what the best advice to offer here is and I’ll let others weigh in if they have opinions. FCM seems like a very popular option FWIW.

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I think I’m gonna give https://github.com/zo0r/react-native-push-notification a chance, I’ll update here once I get any progress - thanks!

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