Push notifications in testflight


We are setting up notifications and already got them working when people open their app from the expo client. But our test users that got their app from testflight (created with exp build:ios) don’t get any notifications.

When seeing the logs in the backend, testflight users give us this error:

Could not find APNs credentials for com.habit.habitmaker.acceptance (@habit_production/habitmaker). Check whether you are trying to send a notification to a detached app.

searching around in the forums i found that it probably meant i had no credentials, running exp fetch:ios:cert gives me undefined as the Push p12 password, is that why i cant send notifications to normal users?

That error means that the Expo server doesn’t have your APNs p12 certificate that you need to upload when running exp build:ios. The best way to create a p12 certificate is to let Expo manage your credentials for you when building a standalone app.

i did let expo handle our certificates, is there anything additional i would need to do besides just answering yes to the expo question?

If Expo managed all your certificates then it looks like there’s a bug on our end, either with creating the certificates or retrieving them. You could try running exp build:ios -c to clear them and then build again, which might help.

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