Push Notifications is not working after EAS build

I’m currently using Managed workflow with SDK version 41 and I’ve just migrated from “expo” builds to “eas” builds. My only issue is that push notifications stopped working after building with “eas” and I’ve already pushed my FCM api key using the command:
“expo push:android:upload --api-key” and of course I’ve added my “googleServicesFile” in app.json.
Is there any sth missing? or any other thing I need to do for the eas build to enable notifications?

Saying notifications “aren’t working” doesn’t provide very much info. There’s an FAQ entry for this detailing exactly how to get more info to debug with- Push Notifications Troubleshooting & FAQ - Expo Documentation

I have this same issue. Fetching expopushtoken gives this error when using eas build
exception occured while excecuting exported method getDevicePushTokenAsync on module ExpoPushTokenManager Failed resolution of Lcom/google/firebase/lib/firebaseinstanceid.

But everything works fine when I use Expo build