Question about update production releases, channels and OTA in sdk 26

Hi, i was reading about release channels, the documentation says:

“On the production stack, release v1 of your app by running exp publish --release-channel prod-v1. You can build this version of your app into a standalone ipa by running exp build:ios --release-channel prod-v1. You can push updates to your app by publishing to the prod-v1 channel. The standalone app will update with the most recent compatible version of your app on the prod-v1 channel.(1)
If you have a new version that you dont want v1 users getting, release v2 of your app by running exp publish --release-channel prod-v2 and building it with exp build:ios --release-channel prod-v2. Users with the prod-v2 ipa will only be pulling releases from that channel.
You can continue updating v1 of your app with exp publish --release-channel prod-v1, and users who havent updated to the latest prod-v2 ipa in the Apple App Store will continue receiving the latest prod-v1 releases.”

Suppose that i release a production v1 version, i generate the ipa/apk by using exp build:[platform
] --release-channel prod-v1, and after some months, i want to release a new version of my application to the AppStore/PlayStore.

According to documentation, i can push an update to the prod-v1 channel and the standalone app will update with the most recent comptible version of my app for that channel (1)

The question is, this guarantees that when i submit my new prod-v1 version to AppStore/PlayStore the users will get a prompt to update the app?

Or this is just a way to have multiple versions of my application using just expo and expo client?

By the way, yesterday was the release of SDK 26, and the documentations says:

Full control over updating apps over-the-air (OTA):

We’ve overhauled much of our OTA updates experience to give developers complete control over when an update is downloaded and applied. We’ve also standardized the default behavior across iOS and Android. If you don’t customize the updates configuration, Expo projects will check for a new release synchronously every time the app is launched, then download and apply it before starting the app if an update is available.

How does this works? If i generate a production apk release using exp build:android and i submit that APK to the PlayStore, then if change some JS or some text or whatever, and i repeat exp build:android expo will handle the part of submit again to the PlayStore and show a prompt to the user that must to update the application because a new version is available?

I mean, i dont understand how this interacts with the fact that when i build a standalone version i have an apk/ipa and i have manually submitted it to the store…

Kind regards,

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