react-native init project export to expo snack

i’m still new with the react native, and i have work on react native init project where still in progress, and wanted to test run on IOS device since, but i’m using a window then be able to run android only. i have saw that we can use expo snack by scan Qr code, that means, if i can export my react native init to the expo snack, then i can test both android and IOS by scan the qr code. if that method exist, can you guys show me how to do it also give the recommended method to test both IOS and android in one computer.

Sorry for bad grammar

Hi @ariffnaj!
If you have an iOS device, you should be able to scan the QR code from a windows machine.
You can get it in to snack if you want to do so by putting the source in a publicly available git repository and selecting “Import Git Repository” here: