React Native Plug-Ins for IoT Things

Please provide the following:

  1. SDK Version: lastest 38
  2. Platforms(Android/iOS/web/all):Android/iOS

Hi there,

I develop low cost educational IoT Things (with Bluetooth LE, WIFI, Ethernet connectivity, NFC).
Frankly speaking these things run bare metal (no Linux), have limited memory footprint(flash <=1MB, RAM <=256KB), CPU frequency of 80-120MHz… The software stacks mostly support lightweight IoT communication protocols like MQTT, TLS for Security, raw TCP/UDP client/server sockets, ZeroConf… but in most cases they do not expose REST API endpoints to talk to an app through HTTP(s).
The basic workflow to add an IoT thing to a home Wifi/Ethernet or BLE network is the folllowing:

  1. Thing Discovery Process
  • Wifi/Ethernet enabled things → TCP/UDP with TLS/DTLS Service to discover IP based devices on the network
    *BLE enabled device → provisining API is part of the BLE protocol
  1. Thing Provisioning (Credentials like Wifi SSID, Passphrase, Tokens, x509 auth.,…)
  • Wifi/Ethernet devicses → TCP/UDP with TLS/DTLS Service or m-DNS to discover IP based devices on the local area network
  • Near-Field-Communication (NFC) enabled things → tap the mobile on the things and load e.g. Wifi credentials onto the thing
    *BLE enabled device → provisining API is part of the BLE protocol
  1. Things telemetry data exchange with App

To streamline this workflow for IoT things with Expo it requires to support few React native plug-ins in Expo:
Prio1: TCP/UDP with TLS/DTLS support using x509 certificates: react-native-udp (would be a good starting point), react-native-tcp
Prio1: NFC: react-native-nfc-manager
Prio2: BLE: react-native-ble-plx

When Expo will support these plug-ins by default? I am pretty sure that would facilitate the integration of low cost IoT Things with Expo and accelerate the adpoption of IoT Device manufacturers.


Hey @piwi,

Thanks for your interest in Expo. We don’t have anything actively planned regarding these functionalities. You can submit feature requests on our Canny Board here.


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