React native Set EXPO_DEBUG=true

I am working on MacBook Pro & fire command on terminal.
Created react native app using create-react-native-app AwesomeApp and error on when run expo start in the app folder

IND-MAC-012:AwesomeApp rls$ expo start
[12:06:14] Starting project at /Users/rls/Desktop/Jayesh Poriya/React Native/LTMS/AwesomeApp
[12:06:33] Starting Metro Bundler on port 19001.
[12:06:33] Metro Bundler ready.
[12:06:54] Could not access packager status at http://localhost:19001/status. Are you sure the packager is running and reachable?
[12:06:54] Set EXPO_DEBUG=true in your env to view the stack trace.
IND-MAC-012:AwesomeApp rls$

A project is not started. Not get QRCode.
Can anyone help me?

Run your project with command: exp start
not expo start

Hi @brstdev17,
I got message:
command not found

Please check my log & help me:

IND-MAC-012:~ rls$ cd /Users/rls/Desktop/Jayesh\ Poriya/React\ Native/LTMS

IND-MAC-012:LTMS rls$ create-react-native-app AwesomeApp

? Choose a template: blank

[13:26:47] Extracting project files…

[13:27:00] Customizing project…

Your project is ready at /Users/rls/Desktop/Jayesh Poriya/React Native/LTMS/AwesomeApp

To get started, you can type:

cd AwesomeApp

expo start

IND-MAC-012:LTMS rls$ cd AwesomeApp/

IND-MAC-012:AwesomeApp rls$ exp start

-bash: exp: command not found

IND-MAC-012:AwesomeApp rls$

Hi @jayesh_poriya ,can you please send code of package.json and app.json.
install expo globaly and localy ,

Thanks for reply @brstdev17.
Actually I am a beginner to learn react native.
I just download and install 8.12.0 LTS from here Node.js
Than I open terminal and move to my folder than fire command like

  1. sudo npm install expo-cli --global
  2. sudo npm install -g create-react-native-app
  3. create-react-native-app AwesomeProject
  4. cd AwesomeProject
  5. expo start

Project created successfully but not started :frowning:
I don’t no where I am doing something wrong.

Follow expo documentation for your issues clearification
npm install -g exp
Example of running project
E:\reduxProject>cd redux1

E:\reduxProject\redux1>exp start
There is a new version of exp available (57.2.1).
You are currently using exp 56.0.0
Run npm install -g exp to get the latest version
[11:10:31] Using project at E:\reduxProject\redux1
[11:11:16] Starting Metro Bundler on port 19001.
[11:11:16] Metro Bundler ready.
[11:11:30] Tunnel ready.
[11:11:30] Expo is ready.

Everything is going good except start project
When I fire expo start
every time got the same error message:

Could not access packager status at http://localhost:19001/status. Are you sure the packager is running and reachable?
Set EXPO_DEBUG=true in your env to view the stack trace.

I do not understand what is this.

When I check status: packager-status:running.

are you using physical device?
check this for more ref.

I am using iPhone 6 for run project using expo client app.
Once project start after I can able to check in my real devices without start project how can I check app in my real device. :frowning:

Your mac or laptop and physical device connect with same network(using same wifi)
create expo account using Sign Up — Expo.
and login on the terminal using command expo login
after login run exp start.
on physical device , install expo app from app store to run the expo project

you need to follow expo documentation.

Thanks for replay.
Actually, I follow documentation as well your instruction but still I face same issue can you please check my log and help me.

this is the networking issue… you have expo edx desktop app?

select the following host and mode

I try to search in google to download expo edx .dmg file. Unfortunately I am not able to find it.
I don’t have expo edx app.
I do development in MacBook Pro so need .dmg file of expo edx & I am using wifi.

this is network issue , sometime i also face this . please restart the project…

your project not run on the localhost , its need to be same network

Sorry to ask you.
How can I restart project?
Just close and start again with terminal & command?

yes close your terminal then start again … because this is not code and library issue…

if u unable to download xde expo desktop app then change your hostname through command
using command set REACT_NATIVE_PACKAGER_HOSTNAME='' under project folder