Run Detached App on iOS Device

I’m new to this, so please bear with me.

After I detach an app, I’d like to run it on an iOS device. I don’t intend to put it in the app store or sell it; i’m just building it to teach myself Expo/RN. I’d rather not use TestFlight or run it through the ExpoClient, since I’m building a standalone app.

When I ran

exp build:iOS --clear-credentials

I provided my:

  1. Apple Push Service P12 file
  2. iOS Production Mobile Provisioning Profile
  3. iOS Production P12 file

Expo compiles and creates a huge IPA, which I downloaded. I read that it’ll slice the app when installing on iPad or iPhone. When I tried to drag it into the apps section of XCode’s Devices & Simulators window for my iPhone, it gives me the following message:

iPhone is busy: Installing to iPhone | Performing install actions. 

and then states:

App installation failed. There was an internal API error.

The certs/p12s are valid, un-expired, and un-revoked. I use “Production” for all three. Is this correct or should I be using development? Is there another reason why it should fail to install on the device?

EDIT: This is the information I see in Console for the Device when I search for the app processes:

default	17:58:25.067999 -0400	mobile_installation_proxy	(null):5:1:1:1:Beginning installation for file:///var/mobile/Media/PublicStaging/myapp.ipa/ with options {
    AllowInstallLocalProvisioned = 1;
    IsUserInitiated = 1;
    PackageType = Customer;
default	17:58:25.074385 -0400	lsd	(null):5:1:1:1:Ininstall file:///var/mobile/Media/PublicStaging/myapp.ipa/ with options {
    AllowInstallLocalProvisioned = 1;
    IsUserInitiated = 1;
    PackageType = Customer;
default	17:58:25.076205 -0400	lsd	(null):5:1:1:1:Ininstall file:///var/mobile/Media/PublicStaging/install.ipa/ with options {
    AllowInstallLocalProvisioned = 1;
    IsUserInitiated = 1;
    PackageType = Customer;
default	17:58:25.098446 -0400	installd	0x16f65f000 -[MIClientConnection _doInstallationForURL:withOptions:completion:]: Install of "/var/mobile/Media/PublicStaging/myapp.ipa" type Customer (LSInstallType = (null)) requested by lsd (pid 84)
default	17:58:25.236942 -0400	assertiond	Request to create termination assertion <BKSTerminationAssertionCreateEvent: 0x147d56050; Identifier: 12222-1C39A932-E653-4E9F-BBB7-6B6034CDF2B4; Name: FBSApplicationTerminationAssertion; Target BundleID: com.mycompany.myapp; Efficacy: Unconditional> from client <BKClientHandle: 0x147d227a0; installd:12222; connections: 1>
default	17:58:25.243369 -0400	installd	Acquired termination assertion for event <BKSTerminationAssertionCreateEvent: 0x100c20de0; Identifier: 12222-1C39A932-E653-4E9F-BBB7-6B6034CDF2B4; Name: FBSApplicationTerminationAssertion; Target BundleID: com.mycompany.myapp; Efficacy: Unconditional>
default	17:58:25.257927 -0400	installd	0x16f65f000 -[MIInstaller performInstallationWithError:]: Installing <MIInstallableBundle ID=com.mycompany.myapp; Version=1, ShortVersion=1.0.0>
default	17:58:25.259713 -0400	installd	com.mycompany.myapp:7:5:1:1:Start : Install (New)
default	17:58:42.115349 -0400	installd	com.mycompany.myapp:7:5:2:0:Fail (End) : Install (New)
default	17:58:42.119070 -0400	lsd	(null):5:1:2:0:MobileInstallation returned nil for file:///var/mobile/Media/PublicStaging/myapp.ipa/

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