Setup android internet permission


I am trying to build a native android app and need to ask for the permission to use internet on installation.

I’ve read that I can set permissions within the app.json, but not the internet permission? Or do I have to create an android manifest xml?

Thanks very much!


Have you looked through this list?

If the one you want isn’t there, then you might need to detach and manipulate the project’s permissions yourself.

Yes I’ve been looking through this list, but internet is not on there. I
can’t believe I am the first one running into the problem of not being able
to use the internet connection in a standalone app - that’s such a basic
feature, isnt it?

Are you having some kind of issue though? Are you getting an issue in runtime with internet access?

Yes, right at the start I am getting a json through ajax. This fails

hey, I believe android allows the internet permission by default, but I may be wrong.

would you mind posting your code in a snack?

I’ve made a snack:

On that simulator it works perfectly fine on iOS but not android. The Server call is in line 66. Do you see any errors?

I think it may be a certificate issue? Fetching over http is working fine

I’m also getting faceing this issue,
If you solved the problem can you tell.

Thanks for your help