[Sloved]Set app offline but not working

Hi, I have set my app to support offline follow the offline guide.

This is my app.json:

    "sdkVersion": "26.0.0",
    "assetBundlePatterns": [
    "updates": {
      "enabled": false,
      "checkAutomatically": "ON_ERROR_RECOVERY",
      "fallbackToCacheTimeout": 0

But I find every time my app loaded it will goto the exp.host site. I use Charles to fetch the app network info and the info as follow:

The exp.host site can’t access in my area, so it make my app launch very slow.
Somethings it was token even 5 minutes to open my app.
How could I make my app don’t access exp.host site?

My expo version is 26.0.0.
React Native version is https://github.com/expo/react-native/archive/sdk-26.0.0.tar.gz.

Posso estar enganado, but, i think just on SDK 27 that detached apps support bundles Assets and JS on APK/Archives (Ios/Android) and work 100% offline.

I upgraded to SDK 27 and almost all works fine. (on ios, PNG assets are not bundled, fonts works fine.)

I use SDK26. The assets like png/jpg can be bundled. But it’s not the completely offline because app will go to access https://exp.host when app launch.

You’re rigth. I made a mistake on my code and png’s were ignored. I fix that.

I’m using SDK 27 and App Works All Fine Offline, without any internet connection.

Ps.: OTA Updates are Disabled

Maybe I should try the SDK 27.

Hi, @zhaozhiming
For detach app, All (JS Bundles and Assets for Both Android and ios) offline support is only suported on SDK 27

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