snack, Background location map, and actual working demo code with sdk36 is hard....

I’ve been trying to get a snack to work that does ‘background location’ stuff as documented, and have hit bugs and things which made me dubious it was even possible, but I found that in the expo android app, there is a ‘explore’ button that takes me to the ‘Expo APIs’ page, which has a ‘Location’ example called ‘Background location map’ that succeeds at using the api exactly as I have been trying to… and I found that the code for this appears to be here… expo/apps/native-component-list at master · expo/expo · GitHub
… so i decided to try and upload this entire app’s code as a snack, which failed with upload errors to S3, presumably because it’s too big of a project, and then I tried to import direct from the git repo to the snack website, and it failed too, and as a bonus, I also tried using the ‘sdk36’ branch instead of master, but no change…

So and now to my question… how is this ‘native-component-list’ best built by an average user…?

Specifically… this is the screen inside the project that i’d like to run stand-alone, but I’d be happy with just getting the entire as-is app to build… expo/BackgroundLocationMapScreen.tsx at master · expo/expo · GitHub

Hi davidbuzz,
I would like to see an answer to your question also, as it would answer my own question on this topic (What might prevent native-component-list running as a Snack? - #2).

Unfortunately it received no response.

ken, i think your problem and mine are fundamentally the same… i have used my browser developer tools to look at the sequencing of calls back to the server, and it looks like some never finish and some timeout before that as well… here’s an example screenshot… and i am looking at the specific network request ( and url request/response) that is made precisely when the ‘import repository’ button is pressed…

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