[SOLVED] rn-cli-config.js not working after update to SDK 31

I have this project structure for my native app and it was working in SDK 29

My rn-cli-config.js was resolving paths outside “native” directory and was providing node modules to this paths.

Now it is not resolving any paths and i assume my rn-cli-config.js not working at all.

const path = require('path');
const installedDependencies = require("./package.json").dependencies;

const extraNodeModules = {};

Object.keys(installedDependencies).forEach(dep => {
	extraNodeModules[dep] = path.resolve(__dirname, "node_modules", dep);
module.exports = {
	getProjectRoots() {
			path.resolve(__dirname, '../requester'),
			path.resolve(__dirname, "../store"),
			path.resolve(__dirname, "../reducers"),
			path.resolve(__dirname, "../actions"),
			path.resolve(__dirname, "../hocs"),
            path.resolve(__dirname, "../middlewares"),
            path.resolve(__dirname, "../utils"),
	extraNodeModules: extraNodeModules

Part of app.json for including rn-cli-config.js

  "packagerOpts": {
      "projectRoots": "",
      "config": "rn-cli.config.js"

I rolled back to SDK 29 and rn-cli.config.js is working. I think there is something in latest release of react-native. I was using https://github.com/expo/react-native/archive/sdk-31.0.1.tar.gz for SDK 31.

Hey @digitaldali,

We mention this in the Breaking Changes section of the SDK31 release post. Expo SDK v31.0.0 is now available | by Eric Samelson | Exposition As per the post, I’d recommend reading the source code of RN 0.57 to discern what changes to make with regards to your rn-cli.config.js.



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My bad, I will be reading Breaking Changes with more attention next time :persevere:
Thank you for pointing out!

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