Sparks - Answers made easy

Hey there, I’ve been working on Sparks, a mobile Q&A app built with Expo.

Sparks aims to connect you and your questions to those with the experiences to answer them. We’ve designed the app to make asking and answering questions lightweight and fun! As you answer questions in various topics, you gain experience and expertise in that topic (kind of like an RPG for your knowledge). In addition, as you use Sparks, the app adapts to your experience/knowledge so we route only the most relevant questions to you over time.

You can check out the app and join our community here:

We will be posting updates on our progress in this thread so stay tuned. Let us know if you have any feedback, or questions about our experience using Expo!


I really love what you’ve done with the app, looking forward to seeing it progress and where it takes you :slight_smile:

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