Splash screen not showing (blank)

I’be been having this problem for the last 2 apps I’ve developed,
when I make an apk it takes some time to load and it does not show the splash screen or icon i provided in teh app.json
instead it displays a white screen

my projects are not ejected an I built it with expo,I’ve encountered this problem on android (never tried ios) my device is saumsung S5

Hi @alhydra! What SDK version are your apps?

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Hi @jesse
Thank u for your reply.
The sdk version is 26.0.0

@alhydra did you add the icon to your app.json before or after detaching? You need to have the icon specified before detaching for it to be configured correctly in the detached app.

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Like I said I didn’t detach it’s still on expo and yes I added a splash image with the resolution is the docs and added an icon too
this is the app.json file

  "expo": {
   "name": "",
   "slug": "",
   "icon": "./src/assets/logo.png",
   "version": "1.0.0",
   "sdkVersion": "26.0.0",
   "ios": {
     "bundleIdentifier": ""
   "android": {
     "package": "",
     "versionCode": 1

  "splash": {
     "image": "./src/assets/banner.png",
     "resizeMode": "contain",
     "backgroundColor": "#222431"


Sorry I misread your original post! It looks like you have “splash” outside of the “expo” key. Try moving it inside and see if that works?


Yeah, I’ve noticed lol, sorry it was a mistake, and it fixed the issue.

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