Standalone Build Error: "There was an error with this build"

@skevy @dikaiosune
Our ios build is still not working (exp build:ios).

we let expo generate the certificates.

[exp] Build ID: 10d73d5e-dcd9-4bce-9809-9184f6812d33
[exp] iOS: There was an error with this build.


@flieks can you double check your apple account? We’re seeing "No valid iOS Distribution signing identities belonging to team YOUR_TEAM_ID were found."

I’m glad it’s working! “infra” is a shorthand people sometimes use for “infrastructure” – usually meaning the machines our applications are running on, or the software which is responsible for coordinating them.

We do have plans to improve error messages here! Sorry for how long it’s taken us to build, the best way we see forward has required some up front investment.

We don’t currently accept donations, as we’re lucky to be able to work on this for a while, but I’ll add you to our list to notify if we start doing that!


1 Like

Hi @dikaiosune thanks alot for looking
My client/customer added me to his team but i’m in another team too (in itunes connect it’s another team it’s confusing)
So i did exp build:android --clear-credentials and connected directly with his credentials and teamid.
Now i get:

$ exp build:ios --clear-credentials
[exp] Checking if current build exists...

[exp] No currently active or previous builds for this project.
[exp] Checking for existing Apple credentials...

We need your Apple ID/password to manage certificates and provisioning profiles fr
om your Apple Developer account.
? What's your Apple ID?
? Password? ************
? What is your Apple Team ID (you can find that on this page: https://developer.a TEAM_ID
[exp] Validating Apple credentials...
[exp] Credentials valid.

$ exp build:ios --clear-credentials
[exp] Checking if current build exists...

[exp] No currently active or previous builds for this project.
[exp] Checking for existing Apple credentials...

We need your Apple ID/password to manage certificates and provisioning profiles fr
om your Apple Developer account.
? What's your Apple ID?
? Password? ************
? What is your Apple Team ID (you can find that on this page: https://developer.a BSWK67CGRL
[exp] Validating Apple credentials...
[exp] Credentials valid.

? Do you already have a distribution certificate you'd like us to use,
or do you want us to manage your certificates for you? true
[exp] Generating distribution certificate...
[exp] Distribution certificate setup complete.
[exp] Validating app id...
? Do you already have a push notification certificate you'd like us to use,
or do you want us to manage your push certificates for you? true
[exp] Fetching a new push certificate...
[exp] Error validating credentials. You may need to clear them (with `-c`) and try
[exp] Unable to fetch push certificate. Request ID 57bc0330-9b39-11e7-b473-eb6a18b
ce321, message: Internal error occurred. Please try again in a few minutes or cont
act support

Hi, can you please tell me what’s wrong with the build?

[exp] Building...
[exp] Build started, it may take a few minutes to complete.
[exp] Build ID: 51836886-15f9-4813-8266-031856d8ab20
[exp] Run `exp build:status` to monitor it.
exp build:status
[exp] Making sure project is set up correctly...
[exp] Your project looks good!
[exp] Checking if current build exists...

[exp] ============
[exp] Build Status
[exp] ============

[exp] iOS: There was an error with this build.

Can you try this again? It looks like there was a networking problem, should be temporary.

@synapse could you try this again?


[exp] Building...
[exp] Build started, it may take a few minutes to complete.
[exp] Build ID: b24f2482-cf67-404a-bd43-e7dd3c71fc8c
[exp] Run `exp build:status` to monitor it.
Synapse@Synapses-MacBook-Pro-2 ~/D/P/R/TCBF2017> exp build:status
[exp] Making sure project is set up correctly...
[exp] Your project looks good!
[exp] Checking if current build exists...

[exp] ============
[exp] Build Status
[exp] ============

[exp] iOS: Build in progress...
exp build:status
[exp] Making sure project is set up correctly...
[exp] Your project looks good!
[exp] Checking if current build exists...

[exp] ============
[exp] Build Status
[exp] ============

[exp] iOS: There was an error with this build.

@dikaiosune thanks

getting this now
Provided certificate not available in the developer portal. (54440770-9cce-11e7-9ef8-23aa4dcb6a20)
and then
Internal error occurred. Please try again in a few minutes or contact support (54440770-9cce-11e7-9ef8-23aa4dcb6a20)

Full logs:

[exp] Checking if current build exists...

[exp] No currently active or previous builds for this project.
[exp] Checking for existing Apple credentials...
[exp] Validating Apple credentials...
[exp] Credentials valid.
[exp] Validating distribution certificate...
[exp] Validating app id...
[exp] Validating push certificate...
[exp] Error validating credentials. You may need to clear them (with `-c`) and try again.
[exp] Unable to validate credentials. Request ID 64615aa0-9ccd-11e7-a9e0-0920db42878b, message: Provided certificat
e not available in the developer portal.```

And then after `exp build:ios --clear-credentials`

`Internal error occurred. Please try again in a few minutes or contact support`
[exp] Fetching a new push certificate...
[exp] Error validating credentials. You may need to clear them (with `-c`) and try again.
[exp] Unable to fetch push certificate. Request ID 54440770-9cce-11e7-9ef8-23aa4dcb6a20, message: Internal error oc
curred. Please try again in a few minutes or contact support

Hello expo-team,

same problem with me, could you please check



i have a same issue on IOS but Android is work perfectly

[exp] Building…
[exp] Build started, it may take a few minutes to complete.
[exp] Build ID: 28771177-e1f3-4998-88f1-48133c8b64c4
[exp] Run exp build:status to monitor it.

exp build:status

[exp] Checking if current build exists…

[exp] ============
[exp] Build Status
[exp] ============

[exp] iOS: There was an error with this build.

here my app.json

“expo”: {
“name”: “CPF Unblock SO”,
“icon”: “./assets/icons/icon.png”,
“version”: “3.0.1”,
“slug”: “unblock”,
“sdkVersion”: “20.0.0”,
“ios”: {
“bundleIdentifier”: “cpfit.corefarm.unblockso”,
“buildNumber”: “1”
“android”: {
“package”: “cpfit.corefarm.unblockso”,
“versionCode”: 4,

Hi! Did you revoke any certificates on the developer portal? We weren’t able to confirm that the certs we have in the database match certificates you have registered with Apple.

Hi! It looks like your icon may not be perfectly square: Error: iOS icons must be square, the dimensions of AppIcon1024x1024.png are 1024,1009. Can you double check that?

could you please check this: 78caab00-a8e3-11e7-ad47-c5eaf6e0d7f3; and by the way: is this the correct place to post such questions or should I post this on slack?

The logs indicate there was an issue validating your iOS certificates. Perhaps you could try exp build:ios -c to clear the certificates and try again?

Hi expo-team,

thanks for help. The problem is fixed. My problem was, that I didn’t setup everything in apple-developer-portal before I uploaded my certificates to expo. So here is my personal checklist. Maybe it helps others:

  1. go to apple developer account
  2. generate a “distribution”-certificate
  3. generate an app-id
  4. generate a distribution-provision profile (I don’t know if this is a must, because it seems, that expo generates an extra one)
  5. verify, that the details match your app.json
  6. verify, that your app works with exp start
  7. exp build:ios
  8. now you can choose the option “I want to upload my own keystore!”
1 Like


I’ve encountered the same problem and would really appreciate any help regarding this.
When monitoring the build process, it says it’s building for a little while, but always end up failing:
iOS: There was an error with this build. No additional information.

My latest build ID: 025b4f17-2e0f-41e1-9e3a-b2f37f38963f

app.json below.

Many thanks in advance if you can help me with this issue. All the best and thanks for this fantastic framework that’s Expo.

  "expo": {
    "name": "Cards",
    "description": "Discover a world of swipe decks",
    "slug": "cards-test",
    "privacy": "public",
    "sdkVersion": "19.0.0",
    "version": "0.3.0",
    "orientation": "portrait",
    "primaryColor": "#cccccc",
    "loading": {
      "icon": "./assets/icons/appIcon.png",
      "hideExponentText": true,
      "backgroundColor": "#B47A1A"
    "notification": {
      "color": "#000000"
    "icon": "./assets/icons/appIcon.png",
    "ios": {
      "icon": "./assets/icons/appIcon.png",
      "bundleIdentifier": "",
      "buildNumber": "2",
      "supportsTablet": false
    "android": {
      "package": ""

Hey there,

I am getting this error as well.

[exp] Building…
[exp] Build started, it may take a few minutes to complete.
[exp] Build ID: d1a07050-eba4-4f78-9665-b5b00cacd8f9
[exp] Run exp build:status to monitor it.
MacBook-Pro-de-Gaspar:poti gaspar$ exp build:status
[exp] Making sure project is set up correctly…
[exp] Your project looks good!
[exp] Checking if current build exists…

[exp] ============
[exp] Build Status
[exp] ============

[exp] iOS: There was an error with this build.

app.json below.

  "expo": {
    "name": "POTI",
    "description": "APP description ",
    "slug": "poti",
    "privacy": "unlisted",
    "sdkVersion": "21.0.0",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "orientation": "portrait",
    "primaryColor": "#ffffff",
    "icon": "./assets/icons/app-icon.png",
    "loading": {
      "icon": "./assets/icons/loading-icon.png",
      "hideExponentText": false
    "packagerOpts": {
      "assetExts": [
    "ios": {
      "supportsTablet": true,
      "bundleIdentifier": "com.mycompany.poti"
    "android": {
      "package": "com.mycompany.poti"
1 Like

Hey I’m also getting this for:

Build ID: 153d2775-7d08-40fb-8858-4d93c9d5ad4b

Hello, Can you check Build ID: b9f41038-9d2e-4386-944a-00b82d9f5426 ?