Struggle after Struggle after Struggle after Struggle, my latest struggles.

I have been an absolutely horrible experience trying to get my CRNA correctly ejected and running inside of xcode. HOLY SHIT what a mission this has been. I can 10,000% see why it was so crucial to have Expo introduce developers to RN. I’ve solved all of these but the last error.

Error 1: Error running eject: SyntaxError: Unexpected token } in JSON at position 233

Error 2: Configuring iOS Launch Screen…
Error running eject: TypeError: Object.entries is not a function

Error 3: ios/Pods/ExpoKit/ios/Exponent/Versioned/Core/Api/FBAds/EXNativeAdView.m:17:25: Property ‘title’ not found on object of type ‘FBNativeAd *’

Error 4: ios/Pods/ExpoKit/ios/Exponent/Kernel/Core/EXKernel.m:302:9: Multiple methods named ‘setState:’ found with mismatched result, parameter type or attributes

Error 5: cat: /Users/phonefusion/.expo/PATH: No such file or directory

Error 6 and the 1 I’m stuck and can’t seem to figure out:
[13:33:03] Tunnel URL not found, falled back to LAN URL.
[13:33:03] ValidationError: child “urlRandomness” fails because [“urlRandomness” must be a string]
Command /bin/sh failed with exit code 1

It is beyond frustrating to spend so much time working on a fairly complex app, only to discover the hardest is just building the app. This is by far the hardest part of Expo/ReactNative.

Please anyone. I’ve actually gone and repeated the entire process of fixing the tons of errors someone will encounter when doing a fresh install of everything needed to get React Native project Ejected from Expo running on a brand new out of the box Macbook… and I’ve run into the same exact problem. I can’t be the only one with this error:

[14:35:23] Tunnel URL not found, falled back to LAN URL.
[14:35:23] ValidationError: child “urlRandomness” fails because [“urlRandomness” must be a string]
Command /bin/sh failed with exit code 1

My CRNA is using Expos MapView, so I’m ejecting with ExpoKit.

My Process:

create-react-native-app my-app
cd my-app
npm run eject (with expokit)

…Assuming successful eject
cd ios
pod install (this step is just completely missing from the instructions, but I have to do it right??)

Now when I open the project in xcode and run it I get the error mentioned above.

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