supporting sdk upgrades

Hi. I have an ejected app in the android and iOS app stores which is currently using expo version 35.
We need to move it to expo 37 to get the upgrade to remove UIWebViews so that apple will continue approving our app.

I’ve upgraded the app to SDK 37 and have it running, but I have a short term compatibility issue. I’m wondering how Expo folks recommend this be handled.

I want to continue to push app updates to the app running on SDK 35 while the “new” expo 37 app is propagating through from the app store to all users. I can version check some minor differences using Platform.OS, but I don’t know if this will work with changed imports.

For example, in SDK 35, I would
import {NetInfo} from ‘react-native’;

But in SDK 37 this is now
import NetInfo from ‘react-native-community/netinfo’;

I want to support both cases in one set of JS code so that I can just push my JS code to both our SDK 35 and new SDK 37 clients.

How would you recommend I handle this?