The Expo SDK requires Expo to run. It appears the native Expo modules are unavailable and this code is not running on Expo

Hi all :wave:

We are getting this error when running some tests:

The Expo SDK requires Expo to run. It appears the native Expo modules are unavailable and this code is not running on Expo. Visit to learn more about developing an Expo project.

In expo/src/environment/validate there is this check:

if (!Constants || !Constants.expoVersion) {
  throw new Error(
    `The Expo SDK requires Expo to run. It appears the native Expo modules are unavailable and this code is not running on Expo. Visit to learn more about developing an Expo project.`

How can we overcome this when running tests with Jest?

Heh, it seems You’ve to get back right version from git, or build a new one CRNA, and copy paste some code.

Sorry, correct version of what dependency? I’m using the react-native fork of Expo, version 29.0.0.

You’ve to npm install -g create-react-native-app

That’s how our app has been created in the first place.

You have to follow some extra steps to get Jest to work with Expo. See:

Am getting same error but not because of tests. I just created a pure blank new expo project and when I try running it’s giving this same error. I noticed this error is only in sdk version 29 cause I used previous versions (28) and everything is working fine. Please how can I fix this?


Our config conforms the one of jest-expo.

I think this is what broke it.

I think You’ve to reinstall all things and start with OS or try different computer, the problem in local config, I think

i have same problem by using sdk 29.0.0. I use sdk 27.0.0 instead then the problem goes away.

Same issue here when trying to update 27 to 29.

Hi !
If you use expo sdk 29.0.0, you should try update jest-expo in package.json.
“jest-expo”: “^29.0.0”
Bug has been fixed with this.


we’re getting the same error, it seems that including

jest.mock("react-native", () => require("react-native-mock-render"), {
  virtual: true

breaks the jest-expo setup.
It’s a bit of a catch 22 because we want to mock react native and also we have a few components that import from Expo.
We can mock the code that imports from expo for now but this is not very optimal …
Any ideas?

I had this same problem earlier because I upgraded my expo version from 27 to 29. To fix, check your app.json file and make sure that the sdkVersion key says 29.0.0.

Same problem. I am not running tests or something else.
Just start a new project via XDE, everything goes fine until bundling finished and this error shows up.
Any solutions yet?

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Same here: ejected our project (sdk30) → pod install, build successful, but when running the app, even if I see in the expo server logs that the app connects (“Finished building JavaScript bundle in 3340ms.”) I have this “The Expo SDK requires Expo to run” error.

I also tried to create a fresh new project (“expo init” - sdk30), eject, build → same error


I am not running an ejected app. But I had same issue before.
Uninstalling expo client from emulator and re-install it via expo, things fixed.


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