Unable to create Enterprise IPA with expo

I am creating an ipa on expo using exp build:ios, I am providing my own .p12 and profiles. Everything goes fine, but the build enters an infinite loop and the build never completes. Doesnt show any error, its been more than an hour still lies in the same state

Finally after an hour it says " Timeout reached! Project is taking longer than expected to finish building, aborting wait…"

And the process stops, see the below in the logs:
[stderr] warning: /private/tmp/turtle/e1948acf-c678-4875-86ff-4e6251cf6a9f/archive.xcarchive/BCSymbolMaps/ExpoKitApp-armv7.bcsymbolmap:

[stderr] No such file or directory. Not unobfuscating.

[stderr] warning: /private/tmp/turtle/e1948acf-c678-4875-86ff-4e6251cf6a9f/archive.xcarchive/BCSymbolMaps/ExpoKitApp-arm64.bcsymbolmap: No such file or directory. Not unobfuscating.

An ipa was created and its just 31MB.

Dont really understand what is the issue here

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