Unable to start recording with Audio

Please provide the following:

  1. SDK Version: 35
  2. Platforms(Android/iOS/web/all): all

I’ve been trying to get the recording to work. I’m testing on a physical android device.

I’ve even pulled most of the code directly from the docs, here’s what I have:

const [recording, setRecording] = useState(new Audio.Recording());

  const handleRecordAudio = async () => {

    recording.setOnRecordingStatusUpdate(status =>
      console.log("status", status)
    try {
      await recording.prepareToRecordAsync(Audio.RECORDING_OPTIONS_PRESET_HIGH_QUALITY)
      await recording.startAsync()

      // You are now recording!
    } catch (error) {
      console.log("error caught!", error);

And this renders the following output:

status Object {
  "canRecord": false,
  "durationMillis": 0,
  "isDoneRecording": false,
  "isRecording": false,
status Object {
  "canRecord": true,
  "durationMillis": 0,
  "isRecording": false,
status Object {
  "canRecord": true,
  "durationMillis": 0,
  "isRecording": false,
error caught! [Error: Start encountered an error: recording not started]

What am I doing wrong here?

This was resolved by restarting my phone after development, because the recording was still running, after an unsuccessful recording attempt, throughout all of these tests and changes.

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